Basic IET® Class

In the Basic IET® class, you will be attuned to the energy strand that releases physical and emotional energy blockages from the body’s cellular memory. You will learn how to give full Basic IET® sessions and 5-minute mini IET® sessions.  

Intermediate IET® Class

In this class, you will be attuned to the energy strand that releases mental and karmic energy blockages from the cellular memory.  You will learn about the aura field and how to remove negative energies from it. Also, you will experience the feeling of an Angelic Heart Hug. This class builds on the knowledge and techniques learned from Basic IET®. Therefore, Basic IET® graduation is required prior to taking Intermediate IET.


Advanced IET® Class

At the Advanced Level IET® class, you will be attuned at a genetic soul level which will allow you to focus on discovering your soul’s mission and acting on it to live out your purpose here on earth. Several techniques from the Basic and Intermediate IET® levels will be mastered and expanded on.  You will learn the powerful energy of a Heartnet and Soul Star Clearing.  Also, we will send energy waves and Heartbeams into Mother Earth.  You will leave feeling empowered, at peace, and ready to reach for your goals and dreams.  Graduation of Intermediate IET® is required to take the Advanced level.  

Pet IET® Class

In the Pet IET® class, you will learn how animals receive energy and how to give an Integrated Energy Therapy® session to them. Our animals benefit so greatly from these sessions as well. Help them heal from the Angelic Ray too! The class is primarily focused on dogs, cats, and horses. Basic IET® must be completed prior to taking Pet IET®. Please do not bring your pets to class.